call: 0141 887 0880
email: info@rcatrust.org.uk

If you have a concern or complaint about the quality of our work or how we treat you, just talk to us. We will work hard to find a mutually satisfactory solution.
RCA Trust is committed to providing a high-quality service to all our clients. All our workers are trained, supported, and monitored to ensure a high quality of work. We are also committed to continuously improving our services.
We are keen to ensure that all complaints are dealt with promptly and preferably with the person concerned e.g., the worker.
When a service user makes a complaint, we will:
1. Respond quickly.
2. Invite you to discuss the complaint with a nominated person e.g., the service manager. During this meeting we will seek to find a mutually satisfactory solution.
If a formal written complaint is received, we will.
3. Acknowledge this in writing within 7 days.
4. Appoint an independent worker within the agency to investigate the complaint. This will usually involve a meeting with the service user to establish details, followed by an interview with the worker concerned. Depending on the situation we may have to contact other people for more information.
5. Be happy to meet with the service user’s representative if requested.
6. Advise you or your representative of our decision within 28 days.
7. Advise you of your right of appeal against a decision.
All service users of RCA Trust, irrespective of origin, background, presenting problem, referral route, or service offered have the same basic rights:
1) To be advised of their rights
2) To have the right to comment on our services including making a complaint and to be assured of a quick and appropriate response.
3) To be treated with respect, dignity, courtesy, and equality
4) To be approached with consideration and sensitivity
5) To be offered a high-quality service and regular appointments
6) To be assisted by appropriately trained and supported staff to provide high standards of assistance in all our services and activities.
7) To be assured that all record keeping is maintained in an accurate and appropriate manner and stored securely.
8) To be assured that all client information held by RCA Trust will be treated in accordance with our Confidentiality Procedures & the Data Protection Act
9) To have access to their personal records
10) To have the right of representation at any time
Service users may wish to make a complaint because they feel that:
they are not receiving a good quality of service, or
that their needs are not being met, or
that their rights are not being respected
In these circumstances we recommend that the service user just talks to us, preferably with their worker or the line manager to find a speedy solution. We will work hard to find a mutually satisfactory solution.
If the service user does not wish to speak to their worker or feels that such informal discussions have not been successful, he / she can contact or write to the Service Manager to provide details of the complaint. A complaint form is available upon request.
We recognise that in some situations the service user might prefer that another person write the complaint or contact us. We will communicate with your nominated representative if that is your preference.
The Director of Social Work
Renfrewshire Council
Floor 3, Renfrewshire House
Cotton Street
East Renfrewshire
The Director of Social Work
East Renfrewshire Council
211 Main Street
G78 1SY
Care Inspectorate
Compass House
11 Riverside Drive
5th Floor, Lincoln House
296 – 302 High Holborn