call: 0141 887 0880
email: info@rcatrust.org.uk

the workplace charter to reduce gambling harms
RCA Trust provides free and confidential specialist support to anyone at risk of or experiencing gambling related harms across Scotland and we are part of the National Gambling Support Network.(NGSN)
By introducing “The Workplace Charter” RCA trust would like to encourage employers and employees to support this charter and work collaboratively to help address gambling related harms at a workplace level. All employers have a duty of care and should be aware of the supports and help to an individual at risk of, experiencing or affected by gambling related harms in the same way that they have a duty of care when it comes to alcohol and drugs within the workplace.
Excessive gambling can cause several negative impacts upon an individual and their loved ones, some of which include employment related issues such as, poor attendance, underperforming, stress, poor mental health, and trust.
By signing up to the Workplace Charter, RCA will provide a FREE Bet You Can Help Now training programme to enable you to provide an educational first aid approach to tackling gambling related harms within the workplace. The training can be delivered online or face to face at a location of your choice and at convenient time suited to you.
0141 887 0880
Lynne Neeson, Gambling Community Development Worker